Decluttering and Danish Hygge

Decluttering and Danish Hygge

Maybe you have heard that Danish people are among the happiest people in the world. It is true, but we are not born that way. It is in our culture, and it can be learned. Danish Hygge is a big part of this. Hygge is a strange concept to describe, but really, it is mostly about focusing on positive details in life. Details that put you in a good mood. The Danes care about details. We create the Hygge mood, which helps us survive through periods of bad weather. Even when the weather turns good for a short period, we still continue to Hygge. All year around.

Social gatherings with friends almost always take place at home and that’s why we, as a nation, are exceedingly passionate about our homes. Danish Hygge is about caring, and when we do not care for our surroundings, clutter begins to spread its way into our lives, and Hygge is no longer a possibility. By learning some new techniques for thoroughly cleaning up and prioritizing your time so that you can keep yourself organized every day, you will find that you have much more time for fun and Hygge. Believe me. You will have no more anxiety about your home, you will be able to spontaneously invite friends over without a second thought, and you will dare to welcome unexpected guests without hesitation.

In my book, Goodbye Clutter, Hello Freedom, I share the techniques to clean up the Danish way. It will help you to know what to get rid of and what to save. You will learn tools and techniques to help you focus on why and how to sort through your stuff and how to maintain daily order in an easy way.

Similar in ways to the KonMari method, the Danish techniques for decluttering discussed in my book encourage decluttering by category and getting rid of anything which doesn’t ‘spark joy’. Everything in your surroundings must support you in a positive way, either by function or by ‘heart value’. The rest, you must let go. Have a chat with your things. Ask them, “How do you support me?” When letting go, say, “Goodbye and thank you for the time we spent together.”

I am not advocating that our homes should be so tidy that it is no longer obvious who lives there. A home should reflect the best aspects of who lives there. You need to make your home into a place where you enjoy being. Just as it is important to love your daily life, you should be able to love living it in your home.

Once you know what you appreciate, where your stuff is, and can understand the difference between what is good and what is bad for you to own, you will be free to enjoy the life that you truly deserve. Many people have already been taught to say “goodbye” to their clutter and “hello” to a life filled with freedom, Danish Hygge, and a better overall outlook. So, why should there not be hope for you as well?

For some initial tips on decluttering the Danish Way, read 9 Tips to Start Decluttering the Danish Way.

Lena Bentsen Danish Life Designer
Lena Bentsen, Danish Life Designer

Lena Bentsen is a Danish Life Designer living in Denmark and because of this, Danish Hygge and lifestyle are deeply anchored in her DNA. She wrote her book, Goodbye Clutter, Hello Freedom because she wants to help you experience the amazing feeling of freedom that comes from living in a home that reflects the best part of you. To create a home that is easy to clean up and built on the foundation of Danish Hygge.

Embracing Hygge in the Spring

Spring Hygge

Danish Hygge is a mood – hard to define, but nice to experience. It is a way of living, a way of decorating, of eating, of thinking, of organizing, being social, and so much more. Hygge isn’t just for winter! Keep the cozy going with these 7 spring hygge ideas.


Pick some spring flowers and place them around the house or add them to your table setting. Nothing says springtime like a fresh vase of flowers.
spring hygge flowers Continue reading

Making Space for More Joy, Harmony and Hygge in the New Year

Making Space for More Joy, Harmony and HyggeOne of the best ways to start off a new year is to make space for more joy, harmony and hygge in your life and this can begin by decluttering your home of all the things that have been taking up space in the past year (or more).

Danish Hygge is about caring, and when we do not care for our surroundings, clutter begins to spread its way into our lives, and hygge is no longer a possibility. The key concept for Danish Hygge is to enjoy life in peace and harmony.

Once you know what you appreciate, where your stuff is, and can understand the difference between what is good and what is bad for you to own, you will be free to enjoy the life that you truly deserve. Continue reading

The Holiday Shopping Season

The Holiday Shopping SeasonBlack Friday is the beginning of the holiday shopping season with sales at just about every store. Instead of rushing out to buy more items that you don’t actually need, why not consider decluttering your living space and spending some Hygge time with your family and friends?

When we do not know where things are in our homes, we are obviously not aware of what we own so we keep adding new possessions instead of finding the ones that we already have. When we go to the store, we randomly buy bits and pieces because we think that they will transform our home into a dream. The truth is that it will only contribute to the clutter because too many things are already adding to the confusion.

When we start confronting our stuff, cleaning up, organizing, and decluttering, we begin to experience the amazing feeling of freedom that comes from living in a home that reflects the best part of us! We will also feel more comfortable about entertaining guests in our home.

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Goodbye Clutter, Hello Freedom Paperback now Available!

Goodbye Clutter, Hello Freedom
Great news! My book, Goodbye Clutter, Hello Freedom: How to create space for Danish Hygge and Lifestyle by cleaning up, organizing and decorating with care is now available in a print version on Amazon. You can find it here.

Danish Hygge is about caring, and when we do not care for our surroundings, clutter begins to spread its way into our lives, and Hygge is no longer a possibility. The good news is that we can deliberately change this situation. When you start caring about your home and your surroundings you will find that you have much more time for fun and Hygge. Once you know what you appreciate, where your stuff is, and can understand the difference between what is good and what is bad for you to own, you will be free to enjoy the life you that you truly deserve. Start now and experience the amazing feeling of freedom that comes from living in a home that reflects the best part of you! Continue reading

Start the New Year by Decluttering

Start the New Year by Decluttering

Why not start 2017 by decluttering? Caring about your home and your surroundings will allow you to experience the amazing feeling of freedom that comes from living in a home that reflects the best part of you! And by cleaning up and prioritizing your time so that you can keep yourself organized every day, you will find that you have much more time for fun and Hygge. And that’s what we all really want!

To help you get started, read my article: 9 Tips to Start Decluttering the Danish Way

If you want to find out more, check out my book, Goodbye Clutter, Hello Freedom.

I wish you all much love and hygge for 2017!

Christmas is Coming… what to do with all those Christmas gifts?

Christmas Gifts
Christmas is not only a time for giving, but also of consumerism. Of course we all love giving and receiving Christmas gifts, but before you rush out to start your shopping, consider what giving gifts might mean for your recipient. Rather than contributing to other people’s guilty clutter, why not rather buy gifts that can be exchanged or enjoyed, such as chocolate, bottles of wine, flowers, or other perishable goodies.

Some of us have clutter in our houses from gifts already received for many years. Trust me, there are expiry dates on gifts and gratitude as well. People give each other the weirdest things, things that no one wishes for, but everyone gives as friendly gestures. We keep them because we are afraid of offending the person who gifted it or because it might have been expensive. It can be anything from standard, boring gifts for the hostess to personal presents. Continue reading

Our Surroundings Affect Us

Our Surroundings Affect Us - Danish Hygge
Whether we want to admit it or not, we are affected by our surroundings. The old saying, “clothes make a man” could just as well say, “surroundings make a man.” Our behavior changes according to our surroundings and circumstances. In a museum we walk nicely and quietly. On a picnic it is okay to fool around and get dirty.

When it is already messy in our homes, we give up in advance on putting things in place and might end up simply putting them in whatever pile is nearest. In orderly surroundings, we tend to behave in a more orderly fashion. Continue reading

Finding Freedom for Hygge

Finding Freedom for Hygge
By learning some new techniques for thoroughly cleaning up and prioritizing your time so that you can keep yourself organized every day, you will find that you have much more time for fun and Hygge.

In Denmark, social gatherings with friends almost always take place at home and that’s why we, as a nation, are exceedingly passionate about our homes. Many clutter-heads think that orderly people run around all day, cleaning up. They could not be more wrong. Orderly people have simply realized that clutter steals too much energy. It must, therefore, be kept to a minimum. Continue reading

8 Reasons to Declutter (that you may never have considered)

8 Reasons to Declutter - Danish Hygge
Clutter drains your energy
Clutter drains you of energy so that you do not bother to clean up. We all experience times in life when we do not have the energy to do much more than just care for ourselves. During these times just getting up and making a bit of food is a challenge. Clutter definitely does not make a situation like this better. Quite the contrary. Continue reading